Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ups and Downs

I had some fantastic news today, but now Im feeling pretty down as not had many people to share the news with.  I was handed an amazing opportunity - to have my artwork in Facets Jewllers in Lancing!!!! He, the owner that is, actually asked me if I have an outlet for my work!!!

He is going to give me a small bit of space on one of the walls in there. My work will need to be restful to go with everything else in there - he is a holistic therapist as well - but thats fine with me. After all, he saw my busines card then offered it to me, so he must have liked what he saw on there. He'll take a commission of course, and he cant promise me any sales, but it is still a brilliant oportunity and one that I want to take advantage of as soon as possible! Thank you so much Lord Jesus!!!

Unfortunately, after such great news Im now feeling pretty flat and down, a couple of very important people to me havent seemed to care less when I told them. One person in particular, I should have learnt by now and known better, but she had phoned me re something else so I had to tell her, really thought she would be really happy for me!

Anyways the long and the short of it is that I am now feeling down/flat and a long way from the cloud 9 I was on earlier. Its daft I know, their reactions shouldnt drag me down so easily, but somehow they always do. Its fairly late at night now, too late to ring anyone, and no-one is on chat, so I guess Im gonna go on Twitter for a bit, see if anyone is on there.

Will let you know how it goes.  Love & God bless,




  1. Anonymous20/5/11 00:46

    i dont know you at all... but i just wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming art show gallery thing opportunity !!!!! its fabulous news, and if i were you i would be shouting from the rooftops!

    i would love to see your artwork - do you have a website? Facebook page?

    Good luck with the upcoming exciting adventure --

  2. Wow thank you so very much!!!! That means so very much to me, you are so kind to bother to congratulate someone you dont even know :-) Yes some of my work is online, I have a couple of websites as I am currently working on trying to get it all together.

    My sites and Facebooke etc are:
    @mic_riddy - Twitter
    Mic 'Jones' Riddy - Facebook
