Friday, March 25, 2011

Feelings of a Spoonie Artist

I've not been well for the past few days coutesy of a stomach bug that I could really have done without. As always it's knocked me for six and left me very weak and worn out. My legs are making their presence felt in a very unwelcome way!! Tonight is definitely one of those were I kinda wish I didn't have any legs - so that the pain might stop. In reality however I will trust in God. I read a verse that I've put on Facebook today that's pretty appropriate right now:

"Do not fret. Ask and pray, and God's peace will be with you" Phil 4 v 6-7

What a great promise and amazing couple of verses, so very simple and clear! What else do you need with a promise like that?!! So, guess what I will be doing soon as I've posted this blog lol - yup that's right, I'll be praying and asking the Lord to grant me a peaceful sleep free of pain, so that I can recover from this bug properly too. Sometimes when you're ill sleep really is the best way to recover.

I had planned on saying more about my art tonight and my foray into the medium of acrylics, but I am simply too tired, so you will have to wait until next time.

For now I will simply say goodnight and God bless xxx

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beginning to Blog

Hello, thanks for finding your way to come and read my blog! Who am I you're probably wondering so let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Mic and I'm a married mother blessed with one daughter. I am many things amongst which I'm a Christian, an artist, a spoonie (disabled) with multiple chronic conditions, a legal secretary, medically retired; and I can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and RedBubble.

You will come to learn much more about me and who I am as I write this blog. As to what the contents of the blog will be, you'll have to wait and see. All I can really say is that it will be about me: my life, family, views, things that happen, my artwork, friends, and who knows what else.

So come in, sit down, grab a drink, and have a read, I hope you enjoy - and that I will come to know you as well :)
Bye for now. Take care and God bless.